
Forum de Chaillot: “The future of Culture – The future of Europe”

There had been various discussions regarding the future of European politics in respect of authors’ rights, the protection of cultural diversity, ...

A few weeks before the European elections of 25 May 2014, the creators of all kinds of repertoire worldwide have petitioned in order to mobilise our European representatives to get involved actively in the promotion of culture and works.

In the frame of this 2-day forum (4 & 5 April 2014)  organised by the French Minister of Culture and Communication Aurelie Filippetti, which took place at the National Theatre of Chaillot in Paris, there had been various discussions regarding the future of European politics in respect of authors’ rights, the protection of cultural diversity, the financial support of the creation, the cultural democratisation, etc.

The text of the creators’ petition was presented by Peter Brook, Costas Gavras, Macha Makeieff, Blanca Li και Jean Michel Jarre.    

The petition has been supported by the French Society SACD, whose members are represented by THE ARTBASSADOR in Greece and Cyprus.