
FOXFINDER by Dawn King

At National Theatre of Northern Greece, Lazaristes Monastery Venue, since 29 September!

Fields are flooded, food is scarce, fear grips the land and unseen, cunning foxes are man's greatest enemy. In this dystopia, the life of a struggling and isolated couple is forever changed by the arrival of the "foxfinder", a young man sent by the government to hunt the animal down

Dawn King's 2011 award-winning play, Foxfinder, is a great lesson in allegory. A gripping and darkly comic play with intriguing mind games and twisted secrets which is meant to chill!

Translation  :George Chatzinikolaou
Direction     :Christina Chatzivasileiou

ΤΗΕ ΑRTBASSADOR has licensed the Greek production,on behalf of the Agency Berlin Associates, which represents Dawn King's rights in this play.