Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights
The Ukrainian Copyright society is the oldest and the biggest collective management organization in Ukraine, which was founded in 1926 and after several transformations in June 2000 it ended in its present form, i.e. the State Organization «Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights».
In the late 2005, UACRR became an ordinary member of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and currently, is the only society representing both musical and dramatic repertoire in Ukraine. During the years 2005-2008 new software was gradually developed and ensured the Agency’s efficient operation in term of collection, distribution and payment of royalties. Until 2011 UACRR had succeeded in improving the level of copyright legal protection in its territory, through worldwide cooperation and expertise.
UACRR has concluded representation agreements with 127 collective management organizations in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Spain etc. and is currently one of the most powerful collective management organization, representing more than 6 thousand Ukrainian authors and about 6 million foreign authors in Ukraine.
UACRR’s objectives are:
- Property rights management of domestic and foreign copyright owners
- Assistance to authors and their heirs in the transferring of rights for use of the works of science, literature and art on an individual basis as well as obtaining remuneration for such usage
- Representation and protection the legitimate authors’ and their heirs’ rights as well as other copyright owners in government agencies, organizations including overseas according to the contracts of reciprocal representation of interests with foreign copyright organizations.
In CISAC’s General Assembly in Lisbon (8 June 2017), UACRR’s achievements were honored on the CISAC Board of Directors. One of its great successes was the licensing of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv.
The Artbassador proudly announces the reciprocal representation agreement with the Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights (UACRR), effective from January 2016 for Ukraine, Greece and Cyprus territories, in the field of “grand rights” of dramatico-musical literary, choreographic works, operas, musicals, pantomimes and circus performances.