
THE BOOK OF DISQUIET by Michel van der Aa

15 December 2017- 16 December 2017 At the Central Stage of the Onassis Cultural Centre

The innovative performance THE BOOK OF DISQUIET by Michel van der Aa, leads the viewer to a fertile concern.

The literary book of the Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa comes to life through the musical-theatrical adaptation of the famous Dutch composer and director Michel van der Aa, in Greek translation by Annie Spyrakou and under the music direction of Kasper De Roo. Songs, electronic sounds, live music, images and speech, are mixing harmoniously in order to express the literary and existential search of the author.The performance remains faithful to Pessoa's spirit, highlighting all the aspects of life.

"I was not made for the reality, but life came and found me" (excerpt from The Book of Disquiet).
"By constantly changing myself, I destroyed myself. By thinking all the time, I am my thoughts and not me. "- Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

The Artbassador provided the Orchestra with the music material, on behalf of the Publishing House BOOSEY & HAWKES.